Monday, February 2, 2009

Hair Age

Majority of men go through some sort of hair loss as the age advances. The process of baldness starts with thinning out of the hair and then gradually going bald. Even a look at the crowd and you will find many men have lost a certain numbers of hair. Infact the percentage is as high as 50 when it comes to men with baldness problem. The medical science also says that, the problem of baldness and gray hair very much related to heredity.

Hair goes through several changes with the course of the time. It is also being said that hair reflects a person’s health. Shinier or brighter the hair are, healthier the person is. People with dry hair tend to experience lessening production of oil or sebum. Older people have uncouth hair. Environmental factors affect a great deal of changes in one’s hair. Direct exposure to sunlight and consistent connection with different types of chemicals make the hair brittle. Hair also starts losing the growth rate as the age advances. These are the few things one can not change. However, one can try to reduce the damage done by environmental factors. Gray hair does not signify that it’s not healthy. One does not have control over hereditary elements and chemicals found in the external environment. Similarly, loss of pigment can be predicted. The trick lies in taking good care of hair one has.

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