Split ends are a common problem today. This is because of the increase in the use of chemicals in different hair care products. Also, split ends occur when hair is exposed to extreme temperatures. Also it occurs when hair does not get enough nourishment. This is clichéd but it is true that one of the most common ways to treat split ends is to trim your hair regularly (once in every two months). Beauty experts suggest one should get a hair trim atleast once in forty five days. Hair trimming helps to keep your hair healthy and indeed makes them grow long.
Another precaution that one can take to avoid split ends in the hair is to minimize the use of hot rollers and hair dryers and reduce outings in the afternoon where there is a chance of hair being exposed to harsh sun rays. Try and avoid using hair dryer to dry your hair on a regular basis. Also, avoid using excessive chemicals on your hair especially when coloring your hair. Sometimes, black is beautiful too especially when every other girl is coloring her hair! There are a lot of shampoos, oils, tablets and conditioners that are available in the market that help to treat split ends and make hair healthy. Different treatments suit different hair. You can experiment and choose the best or you can even consult your beautician. It is said that castor oil and honey paste can also be used to treat split ends.
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