Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gray Hair

As one ages, hair also starts changing. In the early age hair, hair tend to be more shiny and glowing but as the time passes like other body parts, the wear and tear of all the years hair also develop dryness and gray color. Children’s hairs are always shiny and well developed because of the growth phase of the hair cycle. Growth phase is also referred as anagen phase in technical terms. Compared to adult hair, children’s hair has more volume. There is a thing called oil glands or sebaceous glands in our head. In case of children these oil glands are quite active and that results into shiny hair. As one grows old, the hair also changes. Add the environmental exposure to the hair and we start getting gray, thinner hair.

The problem of gray or white hair is most common hair problem among adults. Gray hair is also the most prominent change in our hair structure. The reason behind white hair is loss of pigment in the hair. In reality, hair does not change the color with the age but the emergence of light color and dark color hair mixed together give it a gray appearance. We also need to differentiate between gray and white color. People who have red, brown, deep brown or blonde color tend to develop white hair whereas people with darker shades are more likely to have gray hair. The occurrence of gray hair normally takes place during 30s and 40s. Men develop gray hair earlier than women. It is also found that by the age of 75 every person has gray hair.

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