Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hair Loss in Women

One needs not to read about importance of hair in enhancing our looks. It is so deeply ingrained in our psyche that hair pattern adds to the overall beauty of any individual. Physical appearance gets a tremendous boost with good hair style. Sadly, many people have started to be affected from stressed lifestyle. Baldness or graying of hair has become a common problem. For many men, there is no escape route from balding scalp. Situation becomes slightly tricky when it comes to hair loss in women. For every woman, hair is the most important thing in their outward appearance. It is not only a symbol of personal care but also beauty and class.

Many women have started experiencing excessive hair loss. This condition is also known as alopecia in medical terms. One can argue about factors affecting hair growth in women. What exactly is causing hair loss in women? Normally women don’t go completely bald. Compared to men, women have less chances of facing total baldness.

However, numbers of women are affected with this confidence-shaking experience. Excessive hair loss is first indication of something is wrong with your body so that demands immediate attention. The thing with hair is that occasional hair loss is expected but all in all hair is expected to grow at a steady pace. But arrival of alopecia signifies urgent need of looking at your body and evaluating your lifestyle. There could be several reasons behind this development. We will look at all the factors in coming article.

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