Saturday, February 7, 2009

Healthy Foods for Healthy Hair

In order to maintain health of good hair, one needs to eat healthy. Healthy foods play a major role in deciding the fate of your hair. Hair is just like any other part of the body. They also go through wear and tear and effects of that reflect in the look and health of hair. If we talk about healthy foods, leafy vegetables top the list. The reason behind positive effects on hair is these leafy vegetables contain plenty of iron. Iron is very beneficial in critical in maintaining the health of your hair. Eating leafy vegetables also benefits the complete body apart from hair.

There are several other food items that can be recommended for good hair. Green vegetables, radish, basil, beets, broccoli, mint and carrots are some of the food items which are very essential if you want to have healthy, shiny and long hair. To you’re your food diet even more appealing, add a plate of salads. These things produce elements that are very crucial for the overall growth and strength of hair. Herbs are other wonderful items. Infact, doctors often recommend combination of vegetables and herbs for overall health and fitness of the body. One should also try to cook tender because that helps in better digestion of the foods.

Contrary to popular perception, spices are wonderful things to have. Spices like cumin, turmeric combined in the food items results in noticeable hair growth. Apart from that, one should always take fruits in is diets. Fruits like grapes, berries, raisins, citrus fruits, melons etc provide nutrition that is very important for hair growth. Coconut is also very helpful because of its contributions in stopping premature graying and hair loss. Finally, addictive things like smoking, drinking aerated drinks should be avoided because they cause weakening of hair.

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