Thursday, February 12, 2009

Long Hair Tips

Long hair care tips start with styling your hair. You must not use tight braid while styling it because tight braid has been found to cause hair loss and damage. There are several bands in market with specific purpose of hair treatment. Limiting untreated clips, bows and bands is also a good idea to maintain the beauty of your long hair. Long hair demands more attention compared to short hair. Whenever you wash your hair, always try to get rid of all the tangles first. By doing that, you will find process of styling and drying much easier. Another suggestion is, never ever rub your beautiful hair with a towel whenever you dry them. Simply focus on getting the moisture out of the hair. Rubbing your hair with towel results in tangles and hair damage. You should also focus on what type of pillow you use while sleeping because people who move a lot while sleeping tend to break their hair.

Quite a number of us dream of growing our hair long so we just let it grow. But no, that’s not such a good idea. If you allow your hair to just grow on its own, soon split ends will start taking place in your hair. So the better idea is to trim your hair every three months. Another tip is never use a comb on tangled hair. Again, damage and loss of hair is the likely result if you do that. Using combs with wide tooth is a wise idea. Also when hair is entangled, rather use your fingers and start from the tip of the hair towards the roots. Always remember to treat your hair gently because more gentle you are with them, more beautiful they will look.

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